Get an extremely accurate reading with this rugged portable pH meter.
It offers Automatic Temperature Compensation,
featuring a separate temperature probe for temperature readings independent of the electrode.
Temperature reading is in Celsius.
For long term health of your electrode, use our highly recommended
pH storage MA9016
Features include:
The Milwaukee MW102 PRO+ pH meter has won fans around the world with its reliable, fast and simple operation as well as its toughness. Accurate to ± 0.02 pH with automatic temperature compensation. Ideal for use by brewers, wine makers, growers and other users with challenging pH measurement needs.
"Amazingly accurate, the best meter I have used so far."
"Very satisfied, very accurate, rugged device that calibrates easily."
"Rarely needs to be calibrated and gives perfect readings every time."
"Killer tool, good value."
The digital Milwaukee PRO+ pH Meter is preferred by people testing samples that cause other pH testers and meters to fail from brewers and wine makers to hydroponic growers and farmers.
The Milwaukee PRO pH meter offers:
People choose the digital PRO+ pH Meter to improve the accuracy of their pH testing program. With two point calibration, the meter can be quickly calibrated to a higher accuracy compared with one point calibration. (The MW102 meter is accuracy to ± 0.02 pH and reads to 0.01) 5x more accurate than some alternative meters.
The meter comes with both a pH probe and temperature probe allowing the meter to automatically adjust the pH reading for the effect of temperature.
The temperature probe can also be used as a very accurate thermometer.
The rugged, digital pH meter is built to take knocks.
The PRO+ pH meter comes with the Milwaukee SE220 pH probe. The SE220 is Milwaukee's top selling lab grade electrode for a reason. Designed to be both low maintenance (gel filled) and able to withstand more challenging samples (double junction). The SE220 is ideal for use in beer making, winemaking and hydroponics.
Get an extremely accurate reading with this rugged portable pH meter.
Care and Use
pH meters usually start performing poorly because of problems with the probe. The two parts of the pH probe that cause problems are the glass sensing bulb and the reference junction.
The glass bulb loses sensitivity with use and will eventually fail. This is true of all pH probes.
The reference junction is a small hole that allows the meter to compare the sample to a reference. The reading is generated based on the electrical difference between the sample and reference. If the junction hole gets clogged, the pH electrode will no longer function. You can extend the life of your pH electrode in the following ways.
The pH probe needs to be kept hydrated. Long periods of dry storage will damage the sensitivity of the probe. Allowing the probe to dry out may also result in the junction hole getting clogged.
Storing in pH probe storage solution MA9015 or pH calibration buffers will help address both these issues.
Do not store in tap water and DI water. This will damage the sensitivity of the probe.
The best way to store the probe is with the probe's cap filled with storage solution or calibration buffer and the cap tightened to prevent leakage. It is also recommended that to store the electrode upright to further reduce the potential for leakage.
Residue from the sample can impact the sensitivity of the sensing bulb and clog the junction. This is especially true if the sample has a lot of organic material. We recommend regularly soaking your electrode in cleaning solution MA9016.
The pH sensing bulbs become less sensitive over time so make sure that you are calibrating regularly to keep your PRO Plus pH meter accurate. Also, calibrate after cleaning or a long period of storage. Calibrate at the start of each daily use and whenever readings look suspicious.
Looking for an easy to use pH meter at a great price? The Bev Doc is here to help you get the perfect pH. The Bev Doc will get you a very accurate reading with its 0.01 pH resolution.
The calibration process couldn't be easier to perform, just place the probe in the buffer solution closest to pH of the sample you'll be testing and press the button!
( It is highly recommended that 3mol/Litre KCL Storage Solution (BD2) is purchased with this pH meter.)
To ensure the pH meter measures accurately, the electrode must be stored in KCL storage solution and the electrode must be rehydrated prior to first time use, after the electrode has been in storage for a long period of time, or has dried out.
Calibrate at the start of each daily use and whenever readings look suspicious. This pH meter also includes ATC (Automatic Temperature Compensation) so you don't have to get your sample all the way down to room temperature before you take your readings.
3-point calibration allows this unit to be calibrated at three different standard levels - 4.00, 6.86 or 9.18.
These standards are included with the pH meter. and refill packs (BD4) are available.
The Bev Doc features a replaceable probe (BD3) in case yours is lost or damaged.
Homebrewing can be a tough environment for your pH probe so you shouldn't have to buy a whole new pH meter everytime your probe breaks. The cap that holds the probe storage solution has a very tight seal and should prevent your probe from drying out while not in use. Don't worry about getting this meter wet either, because the entire unit is waterproof!
Probe calibration is a simple procedure for optimal performance and should be done any time your readings become suspect. Calibration should be performed at least once a month.MA9004 is a lab grade pH 4.01 buffer solution certified to meet the standard to an accuracy of ±0.01 pH removing the inaccuracies involved with mixing buffers.Milwaukee solutions are designed to help you achieve reliable and repeatable pH measurements while extending the life of your electrode.
Probe calibration is a simple procedure for optimal performance and should be done any time your readings become suspect. Calibration should be performed at least once a month. Preferably, when you start a new session.
MA9004 is a lab grade pH 4.01 buffer solution certified to meet the standard to an accuracy of ±0.01 pH removing the inaccuracies involved with mixing buffers.
Milwaukee solutions are designed to help you achieve reliable and repeatable pH measurements while extending the life of your electrode.
This is the replacement electrode probe for the Bev Doc Pen Style pH Meter.
(Part: BD3 - $14.95)
We all know that home brewers and winemakers are pretty tough on pH Meters, very quickly reducing the life of your probe.
Also the thin glass membrane of a probe can easily be damaged if dropped or mistreated.
As a result we always recommend that home brewers buy a pH meter where you can purchase the replacement probes separately.
This probe type comes with a small piece of sponge in the cap. The sponge has already been saturated with PH storage solution (KCl - 3 mol/L). This storage solution can be purchase separately. (Part: BD2)
It’s very important that in order to keep your probe in the best possible condition,always keep the glass bulb end of the probe moist in storage solution. For the same reason the probe cap has an water tight o-ring seal so it keeps the solution from drying out in the cap. If the probe dries out it will also significantly start to reduce the life of the probe and the accuracy of your results.
Probe calibration is a simple procedure for optimal performance and should be done any time your readings become suspect. Calibration should be performed at least once a month.MA9004 is a lab grade pH 4.01 buffer solution certified to meet the standard to an accuracy of ±0.01 pH removing the inaccuracies involved with mixing buffers.Milwaukee solutions are designed to help you achieve reliable and repeatable pH measurements while extending the life of your electrode.
To be the most accurate, you should calibrate before each use. However, most units will hold calibration very well. If you are using your unit everyday, then check it once each day. If you get a reading that is above or below what you were expecting, then check the calibration at that point and retest your solution.
No, evaporation and contamination quickly change the mix making your calibration inaccurate.
Probe calibration is a simple procedure for optimal performance and should be done any time your readings become suspect. Calibration should be performed at least once a month. MA90007 is a lab grade pH 7.01 buffer solution certified to meet the standard to an accuracy of ±0.01 pH removing the inaccuracies involved with mixing buffers. Milwaukee solutions are designed to help you achieve reliable and repeatable pH measurements while extending the life of your electrode.
A failing pH probe will be slow to show a result and will be difficult to calibrate.
A simple test can be performed using Windex glass cleaner with ammonia, and any type of soft drink.
The procedure is as follows.
Step 1: Turn your meter or tester on
Step 2: Place the probe in a soft drink. Soft drink is acidic and should have a reading in the range of 2.7 to 3.9 pH.
Step 3: Then place the probe Windex with ammonia. Windex is alkaline and your reading should move very quickly up the scale to a point above 10.0.
If the reading slowly moves up the scale, then it is time to consider replacing the electrode the pen / tester if it does not have a replaceable probe.
Your accuracy and speed of your results are dependent on your pH sensing bulb and ORP platinum tip being clean. pH and ORP electrodes also need a free flowing junction to function.
Milwaukee's cleaning solution helps both keep sensing parts clean and the junction open. Simply open the bottle, fill a beaker or container so that the level covers the sensor and junction, and soak for 15 to 20 minutes followed by a soaking in MA9015 storage solution for at least 2 hours.
MA9015 is a lab grade electrode storage solution prepared with premium chemicals to improve the performance and extend the life of your pH and ORP electrodes, testers and pens.
To ensure a quick response and free-flowing liquid junction, the sensing element and reference junction must not be allowed to dry out. Properly storing your pH electrode in a solution keeps the glass membrane well hydrated which maintains proper function and provides accurate readings.
MA9015 also helps keep the junction in your pH and ORP electrode flowing which is critical for fast results.
Use these buffer solutions (BD4) to keep your pH meter calibrated. These are the same 3 solution powders (pH 4.01/6.86/9.18) that are included with the Bev Doc pen-style pH meter. We would strongly recommend if you haven't used your Bev Doc in a while, to always use a buffer solution before you start your brew.Completely empty the powder into a clean glass jar. Add 8.5 oz of deionized water. Stir until the powder has completely dissolved. Cover securely and make a new solution as readings become suspicious.
Keep your Bev Doc pH meter's probe in great condition by storing it in this storage solution. Letting your probe dry is the leading cause of degradation. By leaving your pH meter in this solution when not in use, you will extend the life of your probe and maintain more accurate readings. (Part: BD2 - $4.99)